Produkte | Sicherheitstechnik | spezielles Zubehör

SEA-W01ACN Dual Band WIFI Adapter

SEA-W01ACN Dual Band WIFI Adapter
Art.Nr.: 848012
Art.Nr. Hersteller: SEA-W01AC
EAN: 849688001929

Supports the most popular operating systems:

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Window 8, Linux, MAC OS

Supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)

Has hardware button for easy connection

Main Chipset

Realtek RTL8812AU

Bus Type

USB 3.0 Type A

Data Rate

11a: 6/9/12/24/36/48/54Mbps 11b: 1/2/5.5/11Mbps 11g:

6/9/12/24/36/48/54Mbps 11n: (20MHz): MCS0-15, up to 144Mbps 11n (40MHz):

MCS0-15, up to 300Mbps 11ac (80MHz): VHTMCS0-9, up to 867Mbps

Weitere Details

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